Cloud | September 29, 2021

Single Sign On – SSO

Reused Passwords

Just in case you were wondering, 71% of accounts are “protected” using the same reused passwords. Is yours one of them?

Reused Passwords

When the people register for a new account, they often reuse the same passwords. This is because 53% of people rely on their memory to manage passwords, while the remaining, save it in their browsers, or jot them down somewhere. If you’re silently agreeing with the above, we understand how confusing it is to remember multiple passwords for both applications and websites.

“So what if I’ve been reusing my passwords? Everyone does it too. Is it such a big deal?” you ask.

Here’s some password not-so-fun facts:

  • 51% of people use the same password for work and personal accounts
  • On average a single password is used for 5 separate accounts

Well, this brings us to our next point on reused passwords.

Usage of the same of similar passwords stems from the need to juggle between multiple applications and websites. This means at work, you are probably going back and forth different applications to complete your tasks on a daily basis.

It is easy to believe, but staff waste up to an hour each day just to navigate and login between different applications. This is a real hidden cost of loss of productivity.

same password for everything

So now let’s rewind back a little: Remember those reused passwords we mentioned about earlier? Imagine if they are used to access these multiple work applications and or websites. Chances are, if a hacker has managed to gain access into just one poorly secured application, it is highly possible to access the other applications that use the same password as well

you have been hacked

With this in mind, could your staff be unknowingly compromising on security? A security breach can be a costly, eye-watering affair. Furthermore, as working remotely becomes the norm, now is the time to ensure that your staff has the support they need to work productively and in a secure manner.


SSO (Single Sign On) is a centralised “portal” to secure all your work applications and websites. It uses one set of secured credentials coupled with MFA (Multifactor Authentication)  to centralise over 6000+ applications including your company’s custom-made ones. 

It is your go-to portal for just about everything – from file-sharing applications, your favourite CRM, human resource and finance applications – Office 365, G-Suite, Dropbox, Workday, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Xero, Hootsuite and so much more.

one login

In addition, to securing and centralising website and application logins,  SSO is great for managing user access to applications and other resources as it can be done with just a few clicks. This could be according to your staff’s role, location and other traits. You can also choose to manage them in groups, so with a click of a button, it’s done. You no longer have to setup shortcuts and browser favourites for each user when you onboard them, everything they need is accessible in the SSO portal.

Furthermore, if you need to provide access to websites that share login details, with SSO you can easily share that application without giving away your credentials.  Or if a password changes on a shared application, you don’t need to let everyone know, it is updated once in the SSO portal.  Time saving!

time saving

Going back to security again (yes, we can’t stop talking about it because it’s sooo important!), if a staff member leaves, you don’t have to revoke access to each individual web application, just remove their SSO login and they instantly can’t access any applications. Or if you are working with highly sensitive information, such as in financial institutions or dealing with customer data, and your password is inadvertently leaked, don’t sweat…we’ve got your back, SSO adds in extra layers of authentication and logs every login and their location, so your data still stays secure with you.

Moving beyond your company, SSO can be implemented between your allied companies such as your vendors, or even your customers, so you can stay connected easily and safely to your internal websites.

go sso!

At the end of the day, we want you to get more done in less time.  Imagine rolling out centralised applications and passwords effortlessly in one go and improving security. Low effort but with high returns.

  • Improves Security
  • Improves Productivity
  • Easy to Deploy
  • Cost Effective

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ready to go SSO?

Call: 0756767240

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